Mi se pare cea mai tare colaborare din ultimii ani. Si pentru ca imi place atat de tare m-am jucat si eu prin #Bucurestiul meu drag plecand de la aceasta colectie. Iuliana Cristina Popescu a fost cea care a realizat clipul de mai jos.
Aseară, la Pier 36 din New York, a fost prezentată în premieră mondială pe podium, colecția KENZO x H&M, în cadrul unui spectacol incendiar regizat de Jean-Paul Goude, o legendă a lumii modei. Invitații care au luat parte la eveniment au avut ocazia să experimenteze energia vibrantă și ludică a colecției concepute de către Directorii de creație de la KENZO, Carol Lim și Humberto Leon.
Dansatori, beatboxeri, cântăreți cu instrumente de suflat și muzicieni s-au reunit pe ritmurile unui remix special al melodiei „Express Yourself” a lui Sam Spiegel pentru a celebra frumusețea și forța exprimării individuale. Prin intermediul unei coregrafii unice create de colaboratorul KENZO, Ryan Heffington, colecția KENZO x H&M a fost prezentată publicului care a trăit clipe incendiare ȋn imprimeuri îndrăznețe și culori intense. După încheierea prezentării, petrecerea a continuat cu un spectacol susținut de rapperul și invitatul surpriză ICE CUBE.
NEW YORK, NY – OCTOBER 19: A model walks the runway at the KENZO x H&M Launch Event Directed By Jean-Paul Goude’ at Pier 36 on October 19, 2016 in New York City. (Photo by Thomas Concordia/Getty Images for H&M)
NEW YORK, NY – OCTOBER 19: Models walk the runway at the KENZO x H&M Launch Event Directed By Jean-Paul Goude’ at Pier 36 on October 19, 2016 in New York City. (Photo by Thomas Concordia/Getty Images for H&M)
NEW YORK, NY – OCTOBER 19: A model walks the runway at the KENZO x H&M Launch Event Directed By Jean-Paul Goude’ at Pier 36 on October 19, 2016 in New York City. (Photo by Thomas Concordia/Getty Images for H&M)
NEW YORK, NY – OCTOBER 19: A model walks the runway at the KENZO x H&M Launch Event Directed By Jean-Paul Goude’ at Pier 36 on October 19, 2016 in New York City. (Photo by Thomas Concordia/Getty Images for H&M)
NEW YORK, NY – OCTOBER 19: Models walk the runway at the KENZO x H&M Launch Event Directed By Jean-Paul Goude’ at Pier 36 on October 19, 2016 in New York City. (Photo by Thomas Concordia/Getty Images for H&M)
NEW YORK, NY – OCTOBER 19: Models walk the runway at the KENZO x H&M Launch Event Directed By Jean-Paul Goude’ at Pier 36 on October 19, 2016 in New York City. (Photo by Thomas Concordia/Getty Images for H&M)
NEW YORK, NY – OCTOBER 19: Ann-Sofie Johansson, Humberto Leon, Ice Cube, and Carol Lim backstage during KENZO x H&M Launch Event Directed By Jean-Paul Goude’ at Pier 36 on October 19, 2016 in New York City. (Photo by Nicholas Hunt/Getty Images for H&M)
NEW YORK, NY – OCTOBER 19: Chance the Rapper and Chloe Sevigny attend KENZO x H&M Launch Event Directed By Jean-Paul Goude’ at Pier 36 on October 19, 2016 in New York City. (Photo by Dimitrios Kambouris/Getty Images for H&M)
NEW YORK, NY – OCTOBER 19: Chance the Rapper, Halsey, Chloe Sevigny, Rosario Dawson, Suboi, Xiuhtezcatl Martinez, Stephen Gan, and Iman attend KENZO x H&M Launch Event Directed By Jean-Paul Goude’ at Pier 36 on October 19, 2016 in New York City. (Photo by Dimitrios Kambouris/Getty Images for H&M)
Bethann Hardison, Jean-Paul Goude, Iman, Chloe Sevigny, Humberto Leon, Carol Lim
Ann-Sofie Johansson, Humberto Leon, Jean-Paul Goude, Carol Lim
Lupita Nyong’o
NEW YORK, NY – OCTOBER 19: Rosario Dawson attends KENZO x H&M Launch Event Directed By Jean-Paul Goude’ at Pier 36 on October 19, 2016 in New York City. (Photo by Neilson Barnard/Getty Images for H&M)
„Seara aceasta a fost o celebrare a tot ceea ce iubim la KENZO x H&M – a fost un mix festiv, intens și neașteptat al unor lumi diferite, un spectacol de neuitat”, au declarat Carol Lim și Humberto Leon, Directori de creație la KENZO.
Jean-Paul Goude KENZO x H&M Ryan Heffington
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